Men's Den

Jonathan Bartell

by on Oct.20, 2009, under Uncategorized

Believe it or not, I like to take vacations from time to time. So I was out in South Beach recently for a little fun in the sun… I know, as if we don’t have that in LA. I had been invited to spend the weekend at my friend’s beach house and in honor of my visit he threw a little house party. Okay, really it was just an excuse to get every hot guy in the area to drop by his house for cocktails and craziness. So I was hanging out on the beach when, almost as if in a movie, this handsome guy wearing nothing but a baggy pair of swim trunks emerged out of the water and approached me as the warm glow of the setting sun made the water trapped in the thick carpet of his lush chest hair glisten.
Duration: 00:00

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