Men's Den

Military Foursome – Jason Visconti -amp; Jimmy Visconti -amp; Joey Visconti

by on Jan.27, 2011, under Hunks

Ten-hut! The drill master has three new recruits: Jimmy, Joey, and Jason Visconti. He’s about to teach these guys a lesson they’ll never forget.

He glances over his new men, and decides to see how big and strong they are. By now, Jimmy, Joey, and Jason are all standing at attention… in more ways than one!

What ensues is a massive orgy of triplet action. There’s some irony in that the sargeant is the one that gets drilled… and coated in triplet juice.

Enjoy the training session!

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Military Foursome – Jason Visconti -amp; Jimmy Visconti -amp; Joey Visconti

by on Jan.27, 2011, under Hunks

Ten-hut! The drill master has three new recruits: Jimmy, Joey, and Jason Visconti. He’s about to teach these guys a lesson they’ll never forget.

He glances over his new men, and decides to see how big and strong they are. By now, Jimmy, Joey, and Jason are all standing at attention… in more ways than one!

What ensues is a massive orgy of triplet action. There’s some irony in that the sargeant is the one that gets drilled… and coated in triplet juice.

Enjoy the training session!

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