Men's Den

Tag: Anytime

Cody Cummings Massaged

by on Dec.24, 2009, under Hunks


Anytime I can get a body builder on my massage table I jump at the opportunity. Feeling mounds of muscle underneath my hands is heaven and Cody has muscle to spare. I start on his broad back, sliding my hands firmly along the peeks and valleys of his physique until I end up at Mt. Gluteus Maximus. I start at the base of those beautiful butt cheeks and wind my way up the the summit where I plunge down and stake my tongue deep into his asshole. Giving a massage is hard work, and after flipping Cody over and working that cock for awhile I need a much deserved break. Cody grabs the reigns and rubs his big dick in his hands until he’s about to cum. I quickly take over and Cody sprays all over his massive frame.

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