Men's Den

Tag: dick in the ass

Party In The Game Room

by on Jan.31, 2011, under Uncategorized

In this week’s submission we have some pledges taking advantage of some of the perks of being a brother at the local frat. But once word got around that the pledges were in the game room having fun, their frat brother came in camera in hand to teach them a very valuable lesson: NO PLEDGES IN THE GAME ROOM. What these poor saps didn’t realize is that the game room is for brothers only. Pledges had no business in there unless it was to clean and organize the games. So what happened next was humiliating enough to watch; we cant begin to imagine how shitty it must have been to actually have to go through this punishment. Let’s just say these poor pledges had to strip down naked. In which the brothers had them do some very questionable activities such as the cock pile, naked leap frog, cock pong and, well, dick in the ass. These soon-to-be frat boys will never forget this day.
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